
Library of Congress

Dear readers...you know I have an affinity for libraries. So you can imagine how I felt as I stepped into the largest library in the world, the Library of Congress.

The Library of Congress was established in 1800. Thomas Jefferson sold his personal library (over 6000 volumes) to the Library of Congress after the war of 1812 destroyed most of the original collection. Many of these books were destroyed in 1851 by another fire, but the remaining books are still on display. I was misty-eyed as I viewed those books in person. And seeing the Gutenberg Bible was astounding.

The size of the library is mind-boggling. About 10,000 items a day are added to the collection. Thirty-two million books are in the catalog. Three buildings make up the library: the Jefferson (seen below), the Madison and the Adams.


For a bibliophile such as myself, it was a near-spiritual experience.  I only had 40 minutes, but it was a great 40 minutes. Beautiful.

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