
Thoughts about naps

I'm going to share a secret with you. If you try to call me on Sunday afternoon, Odds are, I won't answer the phone. I am probably sleeping. Sunday's supposed to be a day of rest. I take this literally.

My eight-year-old self would be horridly disappointed with me. My mother has long been a legendary believer in the power of a good nap. But growing up, I viewed taking naps to be much less desirable than taking a spoonful of medicine (and I HATED NyQuil, so that's saying something).

I went to extreme lengths to avoid having to nap. I got busted more times than I can count for not behaving during nap time (pulling out the trundle bed and using it as a stage to reenact the Donny and Marie Show with my sisters, for example). Plainly speaking, I was a nap delinquent.

My mother said, "Someday, you'll be glad when you can take a nap." Of all the things my mother said when I was a child, this was the one I found most unbelievable. Was she serious? I could only think of all the time that was WASTED as I SLEPT. As in--gone forever! For example, I could have been using my chemistry set to conduct experiments in my laboratory. (Oh, wait, I didn't have a laboratory. I tried, but my parents put the kibosh on that too. Some nonsense about blowing up the house. Too bad; instead of becoming a Nobel prize winning scientist, I am now a writer. I ask you...who got the last laugh?)

I'm not sure when naps became an indulgence rather than a dreaded chore. But here I am and there's no going back.  

And now, I think I could run for office on the sole strength of this platform: Vote for naps! I bet I'd get elected too. I'm Jill Tiefel, and I approved this message.


  1. Jim would totally be your running mate!! ;) And if you two could manage to work mid-day naps in during the work day ... whew!! That election would be won by a landslide!

    1. Ha!! Mid-day naps during the work day! What a great idea. Think of how much more productive we would all be. :)

  2. Ha Ha! Loved this Jill & I feel honored that you would write this just for me .. how appropriate! However, if it makes you feel any better, I used to HATE naps as a kid, too! One time, I even convinced Aunt Angie to climb out the bedroom window with me and head to downtown Faulkon! Funny, but I don't remember the consequences, but I'm sure there were some! Love you, too! xo

    1. Just one of the many things we have in common, Mom! Love you!!

  3. This made me think of all the times we "vouched" for one another. Close eyes and remain still for 60-90 seconds. Slowly wake, yawn, and stretch dramatically. Look at sister and ask "Did you sleep? I know I did." "Yes, I definitely saw you sleeping." "Yeah, I saw YOU sleeping too." And there you have it - rock solid alibis in case Mom should ask.

    1. I laughed pretty hard when I read this. We were definitely forward-thinking. I'm sure those alibis would hold up under intense questioning.
