
Last day of school

Ahhhhh. That sound you hear is me, releasing a deep breath. Yesterday was the school picnic.

Temperature-wise, it was a cool day for May, but the sun was out in full force. I stayed on the sidelines as an observer for most of the day, watching kids of all ages revel in their anticipation of a summer free from homework. However, I did get in a game of sand volleyball. Plus, I couldn't resist the epic water balloon fight despite the crisp air. (Literature adverse students took their best shot at me, seeking revenge because Johnny Tremain was required reading for the fourth quarter!)

I discovered that it's tough to pick up balloon pieces dressed in soaking wet Levis, but the plastic confetti scraps do make a pretty picture.


  1. Damn I love you....

  2. You? On the sidelines? What is this world coming to?! And I agree with anonymous (minus the expletive)!

  3. That picture is a work of ART!!! Love it! (mom)
