
Katie's mission

Today is my niece Katherine's 12th birthday. She's the beauty on the left in the picture below. The other two cuties are my nieces Emma (who turns 12 in two days) and Abigail (who turned 12 last month).

Kate has blossomed from a smiling, willful toddler into a thoughtful and caring young lady. Even if she weren't my niece, I would be impressed by her initiative and willingness to help others. Her recent project, For The Orphans, is nothing short of a labor of love. She is hand-crocheting dishcloths and dolls and donating all of the proceeds to an orphanage in Africa. I don't know too many 12 year olds who would have the resourcefulness and dedication to undertake such an ambitious enterprise. (When I was 12, I think I was trying to hide from my mother so she wouldn't make me weed the garden or snip the ends off green beans!) Visit her blog to learn more about her mission or to place an order.

Happy birthday, dear girl! I'm so proud of you!

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet post! You made Katie's day when I showed it to her. P.S. Why haven't you called me lately?!
